"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
I'll be the first to admit, it wasn't easy letting go of trying to control the situation and trying to make things happen MY way. It wasn't easy at all. I refused to go anywhere other than Austin, Lubbock or Roswell. I refused to move across the county and be miles and miles from home, from all the people I love the most. I prayed about it for a long time. I asked friends/family to pray for me and for what the Lord wanted us to do. One day, it was clear. I just had to give it up. I had to give it to Him (1 Peter 5:7). But once I did, ahhhh, it was a relief and it was calming. I literally felt a weight lifted from my shoulders and from my heart. The Lord had/has a special plan for us. It just took (mostly me) a little time to let the plan work. He opened doors far better than I/we could have ever chosen. He's taking care of us. He's made the path clear that Bowling Green, Kentucky is where He wants us... at least for now. :) It's not easy being 20 hours from my parents, or 13+ from Ryan's parents, but He already knew that. He knew my family situation and knew it wouldn't be easy. But this was His plan and where He wanted us to be. I guess He never promised an easy life... just help living it. We are far blessed than we ever could have imagined. We were so unbelievably blessed to be in Austin for two years; Ryan got a wonderful education, I had a wonderful job and we met some of the best people in the world. We made some really special friendships that will last a lifetime. Some of those friendships paved the way for us to come to Bowling Green. Austin was one step in the ladder. The next step is now Bowling Green... then, Lord knows where! Ha. Actually the LORD does know where! Maybe it's staying here, we don't know. For now, this is where we are, and we are so happy to be here. We know this is where we are to be and are so thankful for this wonderful opportunity and support from family and friends. Ryan has worked hard interning at UT under the best Strength & Conditioning coach in the nation. He now gets to put his mad skills to action! He is the Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Western Kentucky University Men's Basketball team. I couldn't be more proud of him. He stuck with it (even when I wasn't on board). I am so happy for him that he has such a wonderful opportunity here at Western. We love you Ryan/daddy.
(This picture is so sweet... it was the morning Ryan left for Bowling Green. Gage and I stayed in Austin for an extra week and a half while I finished up work and packing.)
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