
Thanksgiving/make believe birthday

THANKFULLY we were not alone @ Thanksgiving, but were joined by Big Daddy, Honey & Uncle Garrett. We cannot thank them enough for driving OVERNIGHT to and from BG to see us! Thanksgiving meal was pretty yummy, especially since it was prepared by Honey and yours truly. We rock! Unfortunately, I didn't get to sit and eat and eat and eat like I had hoped, because... Gage woke up RIGHT before we ate with a temperature of 103.7. Yeah, not cool. Basically he had/has ANOTHER (count them, 3) ear infection. He's doing much better thanks to ole Amoxicillin. Ugh. Saturday morning, we had a mini birthday party for Gagey. I swear, Honey keeps saying she's gonna retire next year, but at the rate she's going with gift purchases for Gage, it ain't gonna happen. Saturday night we went to a WKU game that went into DOUBLE overtime ending with South Carolina winning. Boo. The Johnson's left for TX Saturday evening after the game, with Lola. It was a sad, sad night. Again, we have survived. Somehow.

We are SO thankful that our family visits us every month. I don't think I would survive if they didn't! Thank you!

(this first picture cracks me up b/c when we are reading books to Gage, sometimes he leans is REALLY close. We don't know if he's trying to see it it's real, smell it, maybe he can't see well, or perhaps he just wants to take a closer look... that's what I think. He's just observant! ha!)

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