
39 weeks & I'm posting an eviction notice...

Nothing to report... no changes signaling the kid will be exiting soon, unfortunately. I was told by my doctor that he's "about 8 lbs"- and he's not even showing one sign that he will be out soon--- ugh! "Home remedies" are all a lie- don't waste your time. I had to schedule another doctor appointment for Thursday, December 3rd... the day before my due date. That was depressing. It's been a rough week or so. Lots of tears. I'm just done. Tired of everything. Definitely loosing my sense of humor. Cannot wait to see and hold our baby. I REALLY hope this is the last pregnant photo you will see... I haven't gained any weight in about 3 weeks, so there's not much difference other than maybe my belly rounding out a bit. Ben is here and will be my other coach in the delivery room. He's camping out in the baby's room on an air mattress. VERY happy he is here. Hoping my next post is a announcing the birth of a little boy...

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